Sunday, 10 August 2008

Impressions of England

Yes impressions of England, impressions of England.....this is my sixth visit to England yet each time is like a in your face, dream time, other world trip. Imagine a giant being lifting you up by your shoulders, slinging you across a large continent, over an ocean then poof back down on land. An all turned around, compressed land. A land of houses all jammed together. A land packed full of people. People who speak the same language but you can only understand about half of it on a good day. Language deficit, sensory overload, emotional over drive! Daughter and grandson I haven't seen for three years wow, wow, wow. Daughter's partner I have never met whooo whooo whooo.
How is it possible I am here. My daughter Denyse made it possible, she of the maker of wishes and dreams. She writes a novel, a whole novel yet, her first novel, and presto has a publisher and will be published. That was enough to pop my mind like a cork from a champagne bottle for a few years. She lives here, creates, here, have procreated here. Way across the world from home and family, all she has ever known, she has created a full new life. My grandson with his so English accent and ways, remembers me, accepts me, as if there hasn't been this three year gap. Remarkable! Denyse's partner Chris has this eccentric woman (me) in his home and space for almost a month yet he accommodates this transition as if it were an every day occurrence. Family dynamics 101 Crash Course, no charge! All it requires is taking your head around the bend! If you can manage to hang on for the ride there will never be a dull moment and you will pass with flying colours. Whatever colour has to do with passing?
Ok now how can people in England look different then those in Canada? I cannot pinpoint this 'different look' but it is there. I can sit on a park bench and look at people all afternoon. Was astonished to see so many Canada geese here. Street signs are different, buses, stores (whoops shops), the wind, the climate, the food. Our family is big on food. We love the buying, cooking, preparing, displaying and eating of food. Like say to me, "want to come with me to Tesco" and I have to slot my head between my knees so as to not pass out from the excitement. For example we don't have wine nor beer nor any booze in our grocery stores. We don't have clothes and shoes in our grocery stores. We don't have creme fraiche, nothing close, clotted cream, nor gasp blackberry yogurt! Our goat cheese is a quivering sickly imitation of yours. As for your lamb, especially Welsh lamb salivating down my chin already. Clothes, well your charity shop clothes are ahead of our styles. I could go on but won't because - brief break for slotting head between knees once more from excitement - Denyse and I leave for Glastonbury tomorrow morning!!!!


Lady in red said...

It is always interesting to know what visitors think of the place we call home. Canada geese abound on any open space near to the sea, we don't see them where I am just a few miles inland. I hope you enjoy your stay and that the weather improves although apart from the wind it has been better today than yesterday.

As for understanding the locals I have been here 20 years and still have problems sometimes. When I first moved here from Kent I was forever having to ask people what they had said. Perhaps thats why I like the written word better than the spoken word.

Casdok said...

Your impression of us made me smile!
Sounds like you are being well looked after and spoilt by Tescos!!

Hope you both have a wonderful time in Glastonbury.

DJ Kirkby said...

It is clear to me, after reading this post, who I get my writing 'style' from. Thanks mom.

Jenna said...

Hi Lady in Red thanks for reading my blog. Being on holiday with family I am not being very good at keeping up but will be more consistant once back home. Yes thanks for that I was embarassed at having to ask people to repeat themselves here! Especially in shops when cashiers tell me the price I can never make out what they are saying!

Jenna said...

casdok off to Glastonbury momentarily! Wow what a trip! How can I still be like a child in a candy store in British grocery stores is beyond me!

Jenna said...

Oh Denyse thanks for the big compliment! Maybe writing talent inherited from me but I think your writing style is uniquely your very own! You are a great inspiration!
Your ever loving mom.